Wimborne War on Waste

Wimborne War on Waste - Litter Pick

More than 40 volunteers from the Wimborne Community enjoyed the sunshine on Sunday 5th February and helped pick up the biggest amount of litter we have ever collected in 2 hours on one of our picks! It was shocking to see and we could have easily spent the whole day clearing rubbish along verges, underneath bushes, on streets, paths and the river banks! The worst offenders were cigarette butts - we lost count of those in town, especially outside pubs, bus stops, and other venues where people gather then drop their butts as they rush in!

No disposable cup day

No disposable cup day -  If we can stop using disposable cups for even one day then we will save the planet from the destruction caused by more than  1 billion used cups entering landfills Worldwide every month!

We have 4 times more cafes in the UK as there were in 2000. Branded coffee shops have grown from around 600 to nearly 7500 outlets.

Recycling or compostable cups are not the answer! STOPPING is the answer!

Fri, Oct 4 2024, All day

Power hour for Litter Pickers

Huge thanks to the amazing team of people who litter picked last evening! What an incredibly disgusting amount of rubbish we found! 🤢
Cans and bottles were found tucked in bushes and dumped on the river bank and in the water! Old clothes, takeaway food packaging and sweet wrappers were found in all sorts of places! 😝
And, as usual, the most numerous item was cigarette butts, so please do get in touch if you or your staff/friends/colleagues would like a free stub tidy pack, we have lots to give away! 

Queen's Platinum Jubilee

When Elizabeth was first crowned there were street parties up and down the country. People brought out their
tables and chairs, their best tablecloths and china and celebrated in style.

Together we can keep Britain great by doing the same. Let's say no to all those disposable cups, plates, cutlery, glasses, bunting, balloons and tablecloths that end up as landfill. Instead, let's dust off our pretty china, tablecloths and
homemade bunting and make it a really special occasion.

Wimborne War on Waste logo
Queen's Platinum Jubilee

When Elizabeth was first crowned there were street parties up and down the country. People brought out their
tables and chairs, their best tablecloths and china and celebrated in style.

Together we can keep Britain great by doing the same. Let's say no to all those disposable cups, plates, cutlery, glasses, bunting, balloons and tablecloths that end up as landfill. Instead, let's dust off our pretty china, tablecloths and
homemade bunting and make it a really special occasion.

Fri, Jun 3 - Sun, Jun 5 2022, All day