Join us for the 2024 Planet Wimborne Green Festival! We are excited to have a full programme of events during the week.
For further information, see our Green Festival page
Vote for your favourite Wimborne Shop Window
Planet Wimborne aims to bring the community in Wimborne and surrounding areas together in response to the climate and ecological emergency.
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If you represent a group, project or business which shares Planet Wimborne's values and you would be interested in receiving our Newsletter and linking with Planet Wimborne, please fill in the form via the button below.
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Join us for the 2024 Planet Wimborne Green Festival! We are excited to have a full programme of events during the week.
For further information, see our Green Festival page
Vote for your favourite Wimborne Shop Window
Discover how local organisations are helping to reduce Dorset’s carbon footprint, in this free photo exhibition. Come along to see the exhibition in the Minster from Saturday 12th to Friday 18th October.
Brought to you by Dorset Council’s Low Carbon Dorset programme, this collection of powerful photographs and inspiring stories show how organisations across Dorset are paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.
Dorset residents are being asked to help shape Dorset Council's key priorities to be delivered over the next 5 years in a big conversation. You can find details of the big conversation here:
There are 4 main areas where the Council wants to make a difference:
This is a celebration of England’s rich culture and history and encourages everyone to learn more about it. It’s the country’s largest festival that brings together over 2,500 organizations every year. During this observation, the doors of historical monuments and buildings, which are usually closed, are left open to the public.
It's your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – all of which are FREE to explore.
Twice a year we run Big River Watch weeks. where we invite you to take part in a simple citizen science activity that helps build a picture of river health across the UK and Ireland.
Our rivers are far from healthy. They're polluted with sewage, plastic, chemicals and nutrients, and just 15% of river stretches in England are in good overall health. This isn't good enough.
When it comes to restoring our rivers, we need even more information about how they're doing. You can help us identify and locate the issues.
Fairtrade Fortnight - Events around Wimborne to celebrate Fairtrade.
Planet Purbeck Festival - Our aim is to bring everyone together, to have fun, celebrate our local environment and engage with local green sustainability projects.
Celebrating Land, Sea & Community
We are winning on waste - Save your waste and help good causes!
Only items listed below can be taken. Please have your donations pre-sorted.
International day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer – The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas, protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping preserve life on the planet.
Planet Wimborne's successful networking event on Wednesday 24th July saw over 20 local community groups come together to share their passion for the environment. All the groups are affiliated to Planet Wimborne and spoke about what they were doing, taking the opportunity to talk to others and make connections. It was clear Wimborne and the surrounding area has a dedicated army of volunteers, all of who work for the good of the community.
Wimborne’s oldest independent home electronics store, Dacombes (, is now harnessing the newest technology, with solar energy powering its extensive array of domestic appliances and home cinemas in its Dorset showroom. Matt Renaut, Dacombes’ Managing Director, noted the significant electricity demand of their operations, likening it to ‘three kettles on the boil all day long.’
BCP and Dorset Councils are calling on residents to let them know what a more sustainable transport future should look like. The joint consultation started on 22nd January and closes on 3rd March 2024. You can find the survey here:
The new joint Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) will set out the long-term goals, strategy, and policies for improving transport for everyone over the next 10-15 years.