Wimborne War on Waste - Litter Pick

More than 40 volunteers from the Wimborne Community enjoyed the sunshine on Sunday 5th February and helped pick up the biggest amount of litter we have ever collected in 2 hours on one of our picks! It was shocking to see and we could have easily spent the whole day clearing rubbish along verges, underneath bushes, on streets, paths and the river banks! The worst offenders were cigarette butts - we lost count of those in town, especially outside pubs, bus stops, and other venues where people gather then drop their butts as they rush in! Plastic cable ties, dog poo bags and general single use items such as bottles, takeaway food containers and coffee cups were also abundant!

While we really do enjoy getting together to do something positive for the planet, our group of litter pickers has asked Wimborne War on Waste to ask you, the good folk of Wimborne, to do your bit too! Can you put a cigarette bin/ash tray outside your business for your customers to use? Can you use string instead of plastic cable ties to put up your posters/banners or sign boards instead? Can you do a 2-minute litter pick in your break outside your house or business? The more we keep our place clean and free from litter the easier it becomes to imagine a litter free Wimborne!

We enjoy running regular litter picks - and welcome everyone to join us! We also lend out litter picking equipment if anyone wishes to do their own! 
For more information and to add your name to our email group please contact us at: wimbornewaronwaste@gmail.com
The date for the next one is 26 March 11-1pm.

10 months ago
WWoW Litter Pick Feb 2023