Wimborne awarded Bee Friendly Town status

Wilding Wimborne are not only wild but positively buzzing with excitement as Wimborne has just been awarded Bee Friendly Town status by the Bee Friendly Trust! 

Wilding Wimborne is a community group that has been working to increase the pollinators in Wimborne, helping to reverse devastating insect decline. We’ve been involved in making and installing bee homes at various locations around the town. Local organisations and business have given their support and there are many people to thank for making this achievement possible: those who cut bamboo and made bee homes; guerrilla gardeners who planted primroses; the BID for funding our Bee Trail leaflet.  Wimborne was one of six towns awarded Bee Friendly status the others being Alresford, Arundel, Kenilworth, Leek and Tring. Well done everyone!  

Email: wildingwimborne@gmail.com 

1 year ago