WWoW is a focussed and dynamic grassroots community group that seeks to raise awareness about the environmental impact of single use plastic through events, talks, displays and workshops. We started out in January 2017, focussed on reducing single use plastics - in particular disposable coffee cups, plastic bottles, straws and bags. In September 2018 we led Wimborne Minster to ‘Plastic Free’ community status, becoming the 2nd town in Dorset to achieve this award from Surfer’s Against Sewage (https://www.sas.org.uk/plastic-free-communities/). We continue to offer advice and support to other communities and leaders wishing to do the same and we work closely with our local Councils, the BID, businesses, festivals, venues, community groups, schools and individuals to inspire all to make simple, positive changes, to chose alternatives to single use plastic and promote a more sustainable, ethical culture of consumption.
From our single use plastic beginnings we have become much more involved in wider environmental activities including: Organising regular litter picks; Continuing to develop and grow our ‘Plastic Free’ status and recruiting new Plastic Free Champion businesses; Becoming the Refill Wimborne co-ordinator for water refill points; Delivering workshops and sharing inspiring speakers; Co-organising the Wimborne Green Festival; Delivering creative solutions to single use plastic problems such as cable ties, flags, bunting and bags; Installing the 2-Minute Litter Pick boards at the Minster and Library; Working with pubs and the community to place ‘Butt Bins’ and ‘Bin the Butt’ beer mats in venues to raise awareness about the problem with plastic in cigarette butts that are dropped as litter; Setting up the increasingly popular Wimborne Repair Cafe https://www.facebook.com/wimbornerepaircafe/ with volunteer fixers; Supporting the Wimborne Festivals with their eco policies; Enabling the new Wilding Wimborne project to sow seeds and grow; and working alongside others to create Planet Wimborne.
All of our projects bring people together to work collaboratively, and aim to inspire everyone to rethink, reform new habits and do more to look after our precious planet.
Please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WimborneWaronWaste/ or email us on wimbornewaronwaste@gmail.com to find out more and get involved
Water Refill Points and Discounts with Reusable Cups
See where you can refill your water bottle for free: Wimborne Water Refill Points
Get discounts when you use your Reusable Cup at these venues: Take your Reusable Cup
Upcoming events
Join Wimborne War on Waste's Community Clean Up, starting at the Minster Green,
All ages welcome. Kit available for borrowing.
Enquiries to wimbornewaronwaste@gmail.com.