The Wimborne Minster Folk Festival is a great event that draws huge crowds to the town to enjoy the dancing and bands. But it also produces a lot of plastic waste. To tackle this plastic waste, local environmental community groups, Planet Wimborne and Wimborne War on Waste, have teamed up with the Folk Festival organisers, Town Council, Wimborne BID and the majority of pubs in the town to launch the reusable Wimborne Cup at this year's Festival. The Wimborne Cup can then be used for any other event in the town.
Wimborne War on Waste
Due to the adverse weather forecast, the litter pick has been postponed until 16th February.
Meet at Crown Mead by the steps into the river at 11am. Some people will be going into the river at different stages with boots and waders on, while others 'spot' from the banks and hold onto the litter collected.
Please contact if you would like to come on the River Clean as they need to to know numbers.
Join Wimborne War on Waste's Community Clean Up, starting at the Fair Ground Shop, in the Cornmarket and finishing at Hanham Road car park.
All ages welcome. Kit available for borrowing.
Enquiries to
Join Wimborne War on Waste's Community Clean Up, starting at the Fair Ground Shop, in the Cornmarket and finishing at Hanham Road car park.
All ages welcome. Kit available for borrowing.
Enquiries to
Next dates:
27 April
29 June
28 September
Join Wimborne War on Waste's Community Clean Up, starting at the Fair Ground Shop, in the Cornmarket and finishing at Hanham Road car park.
All ages welcome. Kit available for borrowing.
Enquiries to
Next dates:
29 June
28 September
Wimborne Minster Bunting and Bag group

Established in 2019, a group for volunteers who care about the town and want to reduce waste and single use plastic. Volunteers created enough fabric bunting to cover the town in 2019 and made red white and blue jubilee bunting in 2022. In 2023 the group has made over 500 Boomerang Bags. These have been donated to Wimborne Food Bank and to some of our independent shops in town.
Wimborne Minster Bunting and Bag Group's Facebook page:
Come along and join us on our Annual River Clean. Meet at the Allendale Centre, Wimborne at 12 noon.
Bring suitable clothing and footwear for cleaning in-and-out of the river:
- Waders
- Wetsuits and masks
- Boats
- Wheelbarrows
- Litter pickers & waste bags.
Fun for all the family and help protect our river and wildlife.
Friends of Wimborne Library invite you to find out about
Creating a Library of Things Why buy when you can borrow?
with Sarah Wise (Wimborne War on Waste)
Wimborne Library
at 4 pm on Saturday April 22nd
Find out what a Library of Things is, with the example of Share Frome, and what plans there are for a Library of Things in Wimborne!
Refreshments. Families welcome. Free, donations to the Friends gratefully received.
Second Hand September is a campaign that promotes donating, reusing, rewearing and restyling your clothes during September – and beyond!
Explore slow fashion, sustainable fashion and ethical fashion, shop and donate second hand and help create a fairer world.
Since 2019, Second Hand September has inspired thousands of people to shop in a way that is kinder to people and planet. Read more about Oxfam’s sustainability here.