The Wimborne Minster Folk Festival is a great event that draws huge crowds to the town to enjoy the dancing and bands. But it also produces a lot of plastic waste. To tackle this plastic waste, local environmental community groups, Planet Wimborne and Wimborne War on Waste, have teamed up with the Folk Festival organisers, Town Council, Wimborne BID and the majority of pubs in the town to launch the reusable Wimborne Cup at this year's Festival. The Wimborne Cup can then be used for any other event in the town.
Planet Wimborne aims to bring the community in Wimborne and surrounding areas together in response to the climate and ecological emergency.
If you would like to join Planet Wimborne and receive our Newsletter (which is emailed roughly every two months), please fill in the form via the button below.
Sign up as an individual
If you represent a group, organisation or business which shares Planet Wimborne's aims of tackling the climate and ecological crises and would like to become affiliated to Planet Wimborne and receive our Newsletter, please fill in the form via the button below.
Sign up as a group, organisation or business.
Upcoming events
Time to mend, clear out and put up nest boxes.
Find out how to choose a great nest box, where to put it, and how to look after it. Also, make your own – it’s easy and won’t cost the earth.
Wimborne Repair Café is all about fixing things. A place to bring along your items in need of repair that would otherwise be wasted.
The Repair Cafe is run by the community, for the community.
This event not only provides repair services but is also a space for people to come together for a social chat and to pass on skills.
Clothing, textiles, sewing, small electrical, toys, ceramics, jewellery, small furniture and bicycles. Our team of volunteer fixers are on hand to give your items a new lease of life.
Wimborne Minster Town Council is excited to introduce a new initiative: Monthly Mayoral Walks!
These walks will be an informative journey through the history and culture of our beautiful town, led by local experts. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Wimborne Minster, meet new people, and enjoy a relaxed morning stroll.
The walks are free of charge. However, donations to the Mayor’s Fund would be greatly appreciated. This year, donations go to Planet Wimborne and The Friends of Victoria Hospital.
Please note the change of venue.
Join Wimborne War on Waste's Community Clean Up, starting at Dreamboats and finishing at the football ground.
All ages welcome. Kit available for borrowing. Please let us know if you can join us so that we can make sure we have enough equipment with us.
Enquiries to
Next dates:
23 March
27 April
29 June
28 September
Become a RAKtivist®! RAKtivist® is short for ‘Random Acts of Kindness activist’.
They’re the people that end up brightening what otherwise would be ‘just a normal day’. You know the sort. The little, tender gestures when you need them most (but expect them the least).
Join Trees For Wimborne to mulch the new trees at Ainsley Road SANG
Sunday 23rd February 2025 10am
We will be mulching more of the young saplings.
Please bring gloves, wear outdoor clothes and bring a spade if you can.
We will be working next to the bridleway by Ainsley Road.
Parking is on Ainsley Road by the Football Club.
For more information please email:
Other news
Dorset Council wants to hear about improving active travel
Dorset Council has launched a survey to find out the views of residents on improving walking, cycling and wheeling in the county. Planet Wimborne encourages everybody to respond to the survey to let the Council know how important it is to support active travel.
You can find the survey at and it is open until 18 January 2024.
Planet Wimborne Green Festival goes from strength to strength
The 2023 Green Festival has been hailed a great success by the organisers. The aims of the festival were to engage with as many people as possible from as wide a background as possible, with a particular focus on young people and local businesses. With this in mind, the packed week long programme had something for everybody.
Planet Wimborne launches new Wimborne Green Trail
Planet Wimborne is proud to announce the publication of an all new trail for the town. The trail is partially fully accessible and can be extended to take in other areas of the town. There are links to 'green' themed videos, web sites, music and poetry to enhance people's enjoyment and experience of the natural world.